From Chekin we want you to always be informed with the most relevant news in the sector, we know that with the height of summer and the many things that are happening today, you will not have time to sit down to read each and every one of the news that is in Internet, therefore, we bring you the most important, summarized in a single bulletin.
Here’s a list of some of the most exciting vacation rental events taking place August through December. Some are online or hybrid events that will take place physically with limited numbers and allow more people to join virtually. Some are scheduled to take place in person.
1.-Streamline Summit
Is an in-person event where property managers and partners meet for three days for networking, entertainment, and education. Organizer: Streamline
Event details:
Where: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Price: $ 799.00
2.- The Book Direct Show:
This year’s Book Direct Show will be a hybrid event with 8 days of online events culminating in a show at Tobacco Dock in London. It is an event focused on the subject of direct reservations. It will help property managers and hosts learn different ways to maximize income and profits by securing more direct bookings.
Event details:
Where: London, UK
Price: £ 95.00 + £ 19.00 VAT.
3.-Short Stay Summit:
Short Stay Summit is jointly organized by the European Holiday Homes Association (EHHA), the UK Short-Term Accommodation Association (STAA) and the Holiday Rental Management Association (VRMA) . The event will take place at Tobacco Dock, in the heart of East London’s business district. Attendees will have the opportunity to attend educational talks, expand their networks and exchange best practices while celebrating the resilience of the vacation rental industry.
Event details:
Organizer: EHHA, STAA & VRMA
Where: London, UK
Price: £ 150.00 + VAT with early booking discount
4.-Vacation Rental World Summit:
Vacation Rental World Summit brings together industry experts and shares their knowledge with the global short-term rental industry. The event started in 2014 to educate and inform professionals about the growing vacation rental industry and has been growing ever since. This year’s event will feature presentations, workshops, and networking sessions to help professionals who are struggling in today’s climate. It’s an opportunity to meet and learn from like-minded entrepreneurs and discover new ways to maximize traffic and direct bookings, conversions, and revenue.
Event details:
Organizer: Antonio Bortolotti
Where: Annecy, France and online
Price: € 247.00 EUR with early booking discount
5.-VRMA International Conference:
The VRMA conference will return as an in-person event after last year’s online event. VRMA is a member organization that seeks to provide professional development and education for the vacation rental industry around the world. Its annual conferences bring together professionals from around the world to network and share their knowledge.
Event details:
Organizer: Vacation Rental Management Association
Where: San Antonio, TX, USA
Price: varies depending on the type of registration. Visit the VRMA website for more information.
You already know you cannot stop attending some or all of the events that will be dealing with very important points of the sector and of the recovery in the coming years, projections, market studies, among many other important aspects to know.
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