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How to get the most out of your vacation home

Vacation rentals have become a lucrative and easy business to run, as long as you own one or more apartments, of course. However, knowing how to optimize the processes to get the most out of it is not always easy. There are those who ignore the importance of having a vacation rental software, that is, a software that allows you to manage your different properties advertised on different portals such as Airbnb, Idealist, among others. This tends to be a mistake, because not using this type of advanced management tools, forces us to spend too much time and resources that we could invest in other aspects of our business.

That is why we must define what are the most important aspects to get the most out of your accommodation:

Calculate fixed and variable costs
Manage in a computerized way all the costs generated by the operation of your business, whether they are fixed or variable costs and generate the balance of your income statement taking into account the income. Although it may seem a basic, it is essential that you have recorded the smallest of expenses (even the rolls of toilet paper that you replace every time a guest leaves your apartment) Because in the small details, you can hide an extremely profitable business or a business that only produces losses

Legal agreements with suppliers and tenants.
Again, this may seem basic, but it is surprising how many small entrepreneurs in this industry host guests without any kind of formality. It is normal that nothing strange happens and the stay is satisfactory for both parties, however, it is best to have a model vacation rental contract, which you can use whenever you receive a visitor in your apartment. In this way, you ensure every detail by the legal way.

Manage your online presence
Nowadays, a successful online presence is the key to the success of any business. That is why a good marketing strategy is considered very important to make your vacation homes known. How can you design and execute a good digital marketing strategy? Very simple, measure, measure and re-measure the data resulting from user interactions with your online business. A good management tool can also help you discover how potential guests interact with your ads on different platforms.

A properly digitized business allows you to manage reservations, contact customers, know which properties are more profitable, know the costs and benefits of each one of them, etc. In a very short period of time. In the era in which we live, in which a few hours or even minutes are vital for a business, having a proper digital structure will help you save time to properly manage all aspects of your business.

If you are a tourist accommodation or hotel owner and you don’t use Chekin yet. Here is the solution to save 80% of your time and earn more with every booking.

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