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Legal Guest Registration: Manage your book keeping

Legal Guest Registration

According to the Interior Ministry, the documents required for the tourist registration process need to comply with the set template provided in the Annex spelling of the Executive Order INT/1922/2003, from the 3rd of July must be performed by the property managers themselves.

How to do it and what is the correct format?

Each property manager can choose to proceed with the registration process manually or digitally. In any case, the guest must sign the registration documents without fault.

The manual registration requires every guest older than 16 years , one by one, to present its ID or passport and fill in a corresponding document with personal data and information regarding the length of stay. Furthermore, it is advisable to fill in the documents instantly, since postponing this process for later, only worsens the customers’ experience.

What to do with the forms once they are completed?

Once all the documents are completed and signed, they must be stored in the guestbook, which needs to be ordered in a correlative way consisting of books or notebooks that will have a minimum of 100 pages to a maximum of 500.

This guestbook will be required to be available at all times to members of the Security Forces and law enforcement with competence in the matter, requiring that all establishments are obligated to exhibit it when required to do so.

For how long are the documents required to be stored?

All property administrators must store the tourist registration book for a period of 3 years, starting from the day of issuance of the last registration form that comprises it.

Is there an easier way to complete the registration process?

Yes, by downloading Chekin. You will also have access to features such as:

1. Extract all the needed data in 1 second

With the built-in scanner without the need of storing a photo or making a copy of the document.

2. Generate with this data

With the signature of the guest on the screen itself, the “parte de viajeros” instantly.

3. Store the generated guests’ registration data

In the required format in the cloud, available to download at any time, for example before police inspection.

*The contents of this blog are solely informative. We suggest to consult any legally binding inquiries with a professional.

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