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Spain is number 1 in reservations for this summer. Take a look at how your reservations are going in June.

The Mirai Platform announced at the beginning of this week the analysis of hotel reservations and cancellations during the first weeks of June, giving an encouraging and positive panorama of the reservations that have been made so far. But this approach to reservations has been carried out with special analysis of the direct sales that hotel accommodations are having (taking into account that the direct channel is evolving at a faster rate than other channels and therefore gaining a lot of share).

Thus, the company’s analysis shows a positive forecast with a 28% increase in reservations through direct channels, only so far in June. It also indicates that there has been a small deficit in ADR of 10%, as indicated by this decrease is quite transversal (except for 5 * GL, which rises slightly and is moderated in the accumulated, thanks to the fact that the hotels with the highest ADR (4 * and 5 *) grow more than the average, as can be seen in this table:

Most of the reservations are being made for summer, even doubling the reservation percentages of 2019. In September the demand decreases. In autumn the reservations carry up to the moment percentages the same as in the year 2019 and winter the numbers are not so encouraging.

Another positive aspect is that the anticipation in travel reservations is less and less, you are no longer booking 90 days in advance but with a maximum of 30 days. This is an important aspect to take into account, since in one way or another it shows the confidence of the traveler in the country of origin.

What are the markets that are standing out the most in reserves, according to the analysis of the Mirai company?

The markets that stand out the most are: German, French and Spanish. The US has a good trend and is gradually picking up its pace while the British market continues to sink.

What are the Spanish cities that have the most reservations?

As for the national tourist we have:

Without a doubt Andalusia remains in the lead, the Mediterranean coast and the Canary Islands.

Regarding the foreign tourist:

Germans for the Balearic Islands

The French for Catalonia

The Americans opt for Barcelona and the Community of Valencia.

Another of the positive aspects to be highlighted in the analysis is the length of stay, the increase in the average stay in almost all markets is remarkable. The only one that does not grow hardly is the Spanish, who on average spent 2.6 days (half of others such as Germans and British).

After analyzing the reservations, it is important to see the other side of the coin, the cancellations. This analysis has shown us that cancellations are already almost at pre-pandemic levels

However, almost everything is paid at the hotel (80%) and can be canceled until shortly before arrival (60% until 48 hours before or less!), So we hope there will be no last minute surprises, because this beautiful summer photo, It would change from one day to the next.

In conclusion, these statistics leave us with a good taste in the mouth, since we see that many of the predictions made during the months of March and April are being fulfilled to a lesser or greater extent.

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