If there is one thing that is clear for the optimisation of a hotel, it is the fact that a hotel without visibility is nothing, hence the importance of always having a good SEO, which helps us to boost our exposure. With the effects of the pandemic, online visibility guidelines have been updated to promote the recovery of the sector.
Lately Google has developed many tools that allow you to boost your exposure through booking engines. Here are 3 of them, which have had the most positive results:
Increase the visibility of free booking links.
Google already made online booking easier by including booking links in Google Maps search; now, to simplify this task for both travellers and hoteliers, the option to filter and book in one click will also be displayed in the general search. By viewing the results metrics we will be able to see the number of users who have reached the booking page through this tool; this way it is possible to assess adjustments that will allow us to impact more travellers.
Share rates and accommodation availability instantly
Without any prior technical knowledge, displaying the rates and availability of accommodation bookings is as simple as including this data in the Hotel’s Google MyBusiness profile: the information sheet displayed on Google Maps. Traditionally, this display mode only showed the location and URL of the hotel. With this new tool, the potential guest will be able to know complete information that will make them access the hotel’s website with the firm intention of booking.
Highlight on Google what makes your hotel special
It is unquestionable that the needs and priorities of today’s traveller have changed compared to 2019: hotel hygiene conditions, booking flexibility and other conditions are some of the factors most valued by guests.
Google MyBusiness listings now allow you to include up-to-the-minute updates that let the user know what’s new and, in turn, make it easier for the hotelier to adapt quickly to change.
The aspects that most retain the user in our Google business listing are:
- Opening hours and the latest news in terms of services.
- Exclusive features offered by the hotel compared to other accommodations.
- High resolution images that keep the user’s attention.
Focusing on these key aspects, both in the online image and in the characteristics of the hotel, contributes to boosting the sector and keeping alert to new trends that can once again revolutionise the tourism sector.
At Chekin, we offer you an online check-in tool. Where your guests can complete the register form quickly and easily before their arrival at the accommodation. In addition, we have a biometric match system that allows you to verify the identity of your guests remotely. Find out more about our tool here.