Host Life

Travel Technology Investment Trends 2024: Insights from Amadeus’ Latest Report

Amadeus has recently released a groundbreaking report on travel technology investment trends for 2024, providing invaluable insights into the hospitality sector’s evolving priorities. This comprehensive study, conducted in collaboration with the market insight agency Opinium Research, surveyed senior hospitality leaders globally to understand where they are focusing their technology investments this year.

Key Findings from the Report

Increased Investment in Technology 

Hoteliers anticipate a significant increase in their technology investments, with an average projected growth of 16% over the next 12 months. This upward trend highlights the industry’s commitment to leveraging technology to enhance operations and guest experiences.

The Power of Personalization 

A striking 85% of hoteliers view personalization as a crucial driver of commercial value. They believe that personalized guest experiences can deliver over 5% in incremental revenue. This underscores the growing importance of tailored services in the competitive hospitality landscape. Some personalization options we found in industry are:

  • Branded guest apps for online check-in ensures that the brand remains the protagonist throughout the entire process, enhancing the guest’s connection with the hotel.
  • Upselling strategies and digital guidebooks are at the forefront of the guest experience, providing them with everything they need at their fingertips.

Focus on Operational Efficiency 

With 43% of hoteliers prioritizing the improvement of operational efficiencies during periods of high occupancy, it is clear that optimizing internal processes is a major focus. Streamlining operations not only enhances guest satisfaction but also boosts overall profitability. At Chekin, we have identified this critical need, which has driven us to develop solutions for automating tedious and repetitive processes involved in the hotel operations, freeing up staff to focus on more strategic tasks.

Enhancing Guest Services 

Hoteliers are keen to broaden and improve the services they offer. Key areas of focus include specific room attributes (43%) and the upselling of room types and value-added amenities (40%). These enhancements aim to provide guests with more personalized and memorable experiences. At Chekin, we place the customer at the heart of our actions. By utilizing the right tools to automate processes and enhance management efficiency, you can focus on delivering exceptional service. This approach ensures that your business can shine, providing guests with the best possible experience.

Broader Insights: AI, Sustainability, and More

The report delves into various other trends shaping the industry, including the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the push for sustainability, and the integration of robotics. These technologies are set to revolutionize how hoteliers manage their operations and engage with guests.

Investment Plans and Priorities

Amadeus’ report outlines the investment plans and priorities of hoteliers, revealing a strategic focus on data utilization. By leveraging comprehensive data sets, hoteliers can better understand travel patterns, optimize revenue strategies, and cater to the nuanced needs of travelers.

The Role of Data in Driving Change

At the heart of the industry’s transformation is the effective use of data. Amadeus emphasizes that data not only aids in personalization but also enhances merchandising, loyalty programs, and overall guest experiences. This data-driven approach is key to maximizing revenue and staying competitive in the ever-evolving hospitality sector.


The Travel Technology Investment Trends 2024 report by Amadeus provides a detailed look into the future of the hospitality industry. It highlights the critical role of technology in driving growth and improving guest experiences. As hoteliers continue to invest in innovative solutions, the sector is poised for significant advancements.

For a deeper dive into personalization technologies and process optimization, schedule a meeting with Chekin’s team here.