
Mossos d’Esquadra: how to make travelers registration

After getting the tourist license for your vacation rental house in Catalonia, it is essential to discharge your accommodation so the local authorities, in this case named Mossos d’Esquadra, identify and carry out the mandatory registration of travelers.

Steps to Accommodation registration 


Registration must always be done physically in person. To start the process, you must go to the Mossos d’Esquadra website, ‘Serveis i tramits’ section and then to ‘Hostalatge. Register of viatgers’. 

Once here, there is some upper left box, in the “Establishment registration” or in spanish “Alta de establecimiento” section where you will find a direct link to the PI-15 form.

Once you have this completed – all the data is mandatory except the fax – you must tap on an ‘Accept’ push-button and print two copies of the form to deliver them preferably to the Regional Administrative Police Unit (URPA), or to the nearest Mossos police station.

Copies are not everything. You also need to submit by the DNI of the holder or responsible person (if he is the one who delivers it) ; or a copy of the ID of the holder or person in charge (if it is provided by someone on his behalf)

Once the documents have been delivered to the local authorities, the establishment will be already registered and the URPA will provide the owner with a user code or police identification number. 

The password will be sent by email. Said number and password will be used to access the ‘Hospitality application’ (Solicitud de hostelería) section of the same website where you completed the registration form.


Traveler’s report 

Below, we share with you the English official models of travelers files of the Generalitat of Catalonia *:

Traveler report in English

Traveler report in Spanish 

Traveler report in French 

* Although it is necessary to register all guests, it is only mandatory to add the DNI number (or other type of identification) of those over 14 years old on the form.


How to send Traveler’s report

Shipping must be done within the following 24 hours of the begin of the clients’ stay. It can be done one at a time or in bulk, but including all the clients of that day.

If for any justified reason the shipment cannot be made electronically, you must report it and send an explanation of the cause to the Director General of the Police through a letter addressed to his name. 

You can deliver it to the nearest police station or choose between two other sharing out methods:

-Fax with a document containing all the data collected in the traveler’s report.

-In person or by mail to the police station. In this case, two copies must be delivered, one that will stay in the hostel and another that will be returned to the person in charge.

In any case, the authorities must provide a receipt proving that the documents were received. 



An activity which is regulated by Article 2 of Order IRP / 418/2010, of August 5,  duty of registration and communication to the General Directorate of the Police about people who stay in accommodations  located in Catalonia and also regulated by Article 9.1 of Organic Law 4/2015, of March 30, on the protection of citizen security.

In the event of unwilling clients to give their personal data, the Generalitat provides a series of posters in Catalan, Spanish, English, French and German that it is convenient to place in a visible way in each establishment, and thus avoid these types of situations.

To finish we bring you one tip that allows you to simplify processes and save a lot of time. ¿How? Count on the CheKin app! Your guests will appreciate it!

* The content of this blog is merely informative. For more other binding inquiries we recommend that you go to a professional.