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Most common mistakes in the management of social networks of tourist accommodation. 

The management of holiday accommodation is not an easy task as it involves many aspects at the same time, all with the same level of importance. One of them is the proper management of social networks through which to advertise our hotel or holiday home, digital marketing through social media is key and fundamental today for effective direct sales.  But, the million euro question is, how to know if I’m doing it right, how not to make mistakes in the attempt that may affect in the long run. 

Well, let us tell you that mistakes will always be made at the beginning, the important thing is not to make them, the important thing is to know how to fix them and not fall into them again. That is why today we have decided to bring you a couple of tips that the Tecnohotel platform, a specialist in hotel accommodation, teaches us to avoid failure on social networks. 

There are 2 sections in which managers of holiday homes often make mistakes, that is, Strategy, Communication, Technique and Creativity. Let’s look at each of them, to understand what to do and what not to do: 

Mistakes in the social media management strategy of rural accommodation.

A strategy can be defined as the set of actions that we carry out to achieve our commercial objectives. In the case of social networks (which are the channel); the strategy is the basis of everything.

1.Lack of analysisAnalyse the opportunities and strengths of your business, in order to know how to project them in your content. In addition, determine the threats and weaknesses of the accommodation, in order to reduce them.

2. Lack of a plan: Create a content plan; with characteristics that adapt to each segment of your target audience. Crazy publications (without a calendar, or “when you can”).

3. Create the editorial calendar; highlighting in each publication, the topics of interest for each segment: Example, sportsmen, hikers, etc. Publish frequently, comment, connect and respond.

Communication failures in the management of RRSS of rural accommodations

1. Lack of the accommodation’s own (and exclusive) verbal tone: Sit down to determine how you want to be remembered; the tone and style with which you will speak. Turn that “something special” of your accommodation into your personal brand.

2. Lack of design: Colours convey messages! If you took this into account when painting the walls of your accommodation, repeat it with the images you publish.

3. Not giving feedback to comments, reviews, complaints and interactions of followers: Interacting with users is the key to success, it is where the power of conviction lies. Don’t let it pass you by. 

 4. Poor quality or absence of visual or audiovisual content: Remember that images and videos are very powerful (and much faster than words); moreover, they work excellently in all social networks. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. For example, a “Good morning” greeting, with a short video of the sun rising, from one of the windows of your accommodation, clearly expresses how your guests will feel in it.

So now you know, when it comes to managing your social media, take into account each tip, it won’t let you down.

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