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Are you a Sustainable Hotel? 66% of bookings are made considering this factor

Taking into account the impact we create on the environment in each of the activities we carry out in our lives is fundamental for the continuity and prosperity of our nature and our society, which is why sustainability and the consequent transition towards a more responsible tourism are, without a doubt, crucial issues on the agenda of today’s hotelier.

Become a Sustainable Accommodation

A more aware society is beginning to demand a little more attention to the subject from the tourism sector, creating culture and projection in those who are not yet fully committed to a more sustainable tourism. We know that it is not an easy subject, adaptability always takes time, investment and above all a lot of willingness. But, if we want to become a sustainable accommodation, which promotes a better tourism for all, we must answer many questions, from How do I achieve it? What measures are those that have a greater value for the guest? What impact do they have on the reservation? Is the client willing to assume the cost of the transition or should I do it?

In order to answer these and other questions, Eurostars Hotel Company has launched a survey among its clients to find out their concerns in this regard and to establish, thanks to active listening, the following conclusions.

  • When choosing a hotel, 66% of customers say they inform themselves before the trip to find out about the sustainability measures applied in a hotel. However, in the final decision they prioritize other factors such as price or location. Only 16% say that when it comes to choosing accommodation, the option with the least impact on the planet takes precedence, compared to 18% who admit that it is not an issue they take into account when making an accommodation reservation.
  • Price continues to be a barrier to choosing sustainable options. 65% percent of respondents say that, although they would choose a sustainable option for the same price, they would not be willing to pay much more for it.
  • Only 23% would be willing to pay a higher amount for the common good, compared to 12% who would not.
  • Preservation of and respect for the natural environment, waste management and the use of renewable energies are by far (60%) the most important policies for guests.
  • In terms of the most recognized practices related to environmental sustainability, the elimination of single-use plastics and proper waste management are at the top of the ranking with 46%, followed by the use of renewable energies and the implementation of energy saving plans (highlighted by 44% of those surveyed).
  • With regard to the future evolution of sustainability in hotels, up to 63% of the sample considers that responsible tourism will become an imperative and will be incorporated into the values of hotel establishments. Thirty-six percent believe that only some hotels will take it into account, but that others will not be able or willing to take on this transformation, and finally 1% believe that there will be no major changes in this direction.

    So, 2022 becomes a year with unfinished business, for a more sustainable, inclusive and conscious tourism, the contribution of each one to a greater or lesser extent will allow cultural growth.

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