4 Things guests check before booking a hotel or vacation home.
There are many aspects that a guest usually reviews before booking a hotel or a vacation home, it is not only the nice picture or image you project of your accommodation, there are conditions that weigh even more when choosing a tourist destination and the place to stay.
That’s why we want to leave you with the 4 most common ones, so that you can take them into account when advertising your accommodation:
Price: According to recent statistics, 80% of users look for information to make their reservations online, 75% compare prices online in different portals (compared to 25% who compare prices in an agency, offline) and 60% make their reservations online. That is why, keeping good prices in the market will guarantee you to be well positioned.
Cancellation policy: Hotel chains have reconfigured their cancellation policy in the face of the global health crisis due to the Covid-19. Coronavirus allowing their clients, for example, to cancel 24 hours before the trip at no cost, there are even many hotel and vacation home chains that have made their cancellation policies more flexible, in which they allow the guest to cancel at any time during their trip at no charge. This obviously makes it a very interesting destination.
Hotel reviews: Hotel ratings and reviews have become, without a doubt, the most important piece of information for customers. 95% of leisure travelers read reviews before booking their vacations. What’s more, for 81% of travelers online reviews are the most important thing when booking a hotel and 49% would never risk booking a hotel that does not have “reviews”. This indicates that reviews have a direct impact on a hotel’s revenue.
Hotel payment policies: A hotel with flexible but secure payment policies is what a guest will always look for, as well as being able to count on multiple payment methods to make their life easier. Years ago, when there was hardly any internet and things were simpler, hotels only charged you with coins in cash (bills, if any) or checks. But nowadays there are many ways to pay in a hotel, so you can’t stay behind and innovate.
These are some of the major searches that a guest makes before booking a vacation accommodation, so if you want to position yourself as one of the best destinations for tourists, do not hesitate to ensure that these four elements are fully adjusted to the needs of the tourist.
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