
How to increase security in your hotel

The safety of the guests should always be the most important thing for every host, as it is what every tourist is looking for: Being able to stay in a safe place, where they feel comfortable. That is why checking that you comply with all the security and privacy protocols will give you a plus over any other accommodation.

But what are the best measures or means through which I can guarantee security for my guests?

Chekin, always thinking about the best solutions for your accommodation, brings you some alternatives that you should evaluate if you really want to position yourself as a really safe hotel:

– Mobile Vigilance
Mobile surveillance is the discontinuous surveillance as a formula for prevention and deterrence. Random rounds are made, perimeter or interior, to verify certain areas or critical points previously agreed upon, as well as to prevent accidents and achieve greater energy savings.

This system is used, for example, to check the locks of access areas or emergency exits, to examine the condition of critical installations, or to make a perimeter patrol. The checks and possible incidents are recorded in a digital tool so that the customer can consult them from anywhere at any time. If any threat is detected, a professional goes to the area immediately.

– Fire protection
This service includes the design, installation and ongoing maintenance of fire prevention and protection systems. Always in strict compliance with the regulations governing fire protection installations. Fire protection professionals will evaluate the evacuation plans, emergency protocols and the regulatory adequacy of the establishment, understood as the sum of all the elements that make it up (kitchens, rooms, rooms, technological equipment …).

– Digital services
Thanks to the application of new technologies we can reinforce security in hotels. Geolocation of assets and people, sensorization of spaces to optimize their use and environmental conditions, marketing analytics or Business Activity Control, are some of these services. Solutions for receptions are also useful.

– Auxiliary services
Receptionists are the first point of control for visitors and clients of the building, as well as being the first image offered of the company. But there are other auxiliary services such as lifeguards, guides or monitors that complete the solution and facilitate management with a single provider.

Each hotel is different, hence the importance of carrying out a risk analysis to determine the best solutions to meet your needs. Always under a comprehensive and integrated protection model, which provides peace of mind and allows you to focus on the daily management of the business.

Before making a decision about the security of your hotel, evaluate the requirements of your guests and choose the best method according to the maximum experiences.

If you are a tourist accommodation or hotel owner and you don’t use Chekinyet. Here is the solution to save 80% of your time and earn more with every booking.