Chekin News

How to reduce energy consumption in your tourist accommodation.

Having energy saving systems is not only a way to save money, but also to contribute a little to the planet, the sustainability of tourism and the positive effect for humanity.

Recently, the owners of hotels and tourist homes have faced another problem besides COVID, and the havoc it has left, they face large energy bills that make it even more difficult to stabilize income from accommodation.

That is why at Chekin we always want to offer you alternatives that can contribute to the sustainability of tourism and the economic development of your accommodation, in this sense, to bet on the use of state-of-the-art technological tools that allow the transformation of the air conditioning system of the vacation rentals is undoubtedly the best tip of the day.

Most of these technologies connect air conditioning devices to the internet and allow you to automate certain processes and control them remotely.

But specifically what are the benefits of this type of technology.

1.-Saving money:

With the application of this type of tool it is possible to substantially reduce the cost of the electricity bill. Some applications even speak of more than a 60% reduction in electricity costs. For example, using the energy when it is strictly necessary, if there is no one in the room or after a check out, these systems allow to automatically turn off all those energy.

2.- Saving time.

This type of technology allows you to save having to do a previous verification in the house, to measure if the air is good or if in general the air conditioning of the room is adequate before. This generates a waste of time and also of resources, especially if they travel by car, something that can be avoided by turning the tool off and on automatically.

3.- Lower carbon footprint. 

Each small contribution adds up to the construction of a more sustainable tourism. And the efficient use of energy is one of the most important pillars of sustainability, which aims to avoid wasting resources, thus reducing the carbon footprint of tourist homes.

4.-Better guest experience.

Without a doubt, comfort is something that the guest appreciates, having state-of-the-art technology that allows them to provide comfort is a plus for the accommodation. Many times guests prefer to adjust the temperature or light of the room themselves to their liking, with this type of application they could do it.

Without a doubt, having this type of technology in your hotel or vacation home will always be a win-win for the guest and the host, as well as being 100% effective for the sustainable development of tourism. Check which are the most common tools in this sector, and implement without a doubt some of them. You will not regret.