Chekin News

If your hotel has this technology, there is no doubt that it will be successful this summer.

Undoubtedly, technology does not stop surprising us every day and in the hospitality sector the implementation of new tools such as digitization of processes, virtual check-in, chatbots, among others, are undoubtedly essential elements for the development of a hotel. But that does not stop there only, hospitality technology takes giant steps and the introduction of artificial intelligence has become a way to give the customer an entertaining and fun stay.

From the use of chatbots that answer any questions about prices, schedules and provide customer service. Rooms that adjust to the client’s mood. Virtual assistants that guide you around the city. Technological experiences that manage the “front” of the client, but also the “back” management of the client, the control of the cleaning of the rooms, the commercialization processes, all this has revolutionized and continues to revolutionize the hospitality sector every day, and with the pandemic, without a doubt, they are tools that came to stay.

Now, with all the crisis generated by the pandemic, the implementation of these new advanced technologies becomes essential, but how do small companies do to be able to opt for a technology like it is? What is the technology that can and should be applied to the hotel industry to adapt to the new normal?

Obviously, robotic technology and large artificial intelligence technologies may not be available today to every hotel manager, however, there are certain tools and keys that small and medium-sized hotels can apply to improve their visibility and selection as a destination. Here are the 10 keys most recently used by the hotel sector to generate a greater guest experience and make their establishments more attractive:

1.- Autonomy of the devices: Customers often travel with their own technology devices and often do so with more than one. The hotel must facilitate the possibility of connecting them with the elements available in the establishment, either the mobile phone with the television or facilitating access to Wi-Fi.

2.- Automation of services: More and more customers prefer to use automated services when booking, hiring room service or making use of any hotel service. The automation of processes through check-in kiosks or online applications are increasingly common trends in hotels.

3.- Devices adapted to personalized needs: Many hotels make it easy for their clients to use smartphones, tablets, e-books and other pre-programmed devices with leisure and entertainment content such as magazines, newspapers, movies, novels, etc. the new trend in USA hotels.

4.- The hotel lobby as a technological hub: After the room, the lobby is the area of ​​the hotel where the investment in technology is most important. Touch screens, availability of video games or virtual concierge services are some of the novelties that some establishments are implementing.

8.- Technology as a concept of luxury: Technology can also be a differential value that positions the hotel as luxury accommodation. High definition screens included in the mirrors themselves, personalized music download services according to customer tastes and a myriad of technological possibilities can help make a difference.

9.- Technological spaces for events: The space reserved for holding events, be it an assembly hall or an outdoor garden, must have all the services to offer maximum connectivity for attendees. Some hotels have developed specific applications for meeting planning in their facilities.
10.- Digital replaces paper: Digital is replacing paper, manual processes have been left behind. All these keys have an indisputable impact on the selection of one hotel or another, as well as its occupancy levels. Chekin for his part, with the use of his technology, has demonstrated to his clients the effectiveness of these tools, click here and we will show you the success stories.