
Police Connection to register Guests in Italy

If you manage a touristic accommodation (Hotels, Pensions, B&B, Holiday Homes, Nursing Homes, etc.) Since January 2013, with the Decreto Ministeriale del M.I. of 07/01/2013, the use of the telematic system for the communication of the data of the lodged has become mandatory.

Remembering that there are 24 hours from the guest’s arrival to send the tickets electronically, in case of failure or other technical impediment, it will be necessary to contact the competent local Commissariat to agree on how to send the complete data of the guests

Who do I have send the data to?

There is one main security force which manage guest registration, Polizia di Stato using the Alloggiati Web service. You must contact the local Police Headquarters to request access credentials.

Accessing to the Alloggiati Web portal you would be able to find the contact details of the offices responsible for the Alloggiati Web service for the province of reference and:

  1. Indicate a valid e-mail address to receive the credentials;
  2. Indicate a telephone number useful for receiving the relative communications;
  3. Specify whether it is Via or Piazza.

(The E-mail address requested in the form must be a Certified E-mail – PEC – and the form must be sent EXCLUSIVELY by a PEC)

If everything is correct, once these documents have been provided, the security forces will proceed to register in the police application and assign a user name and password. Then, you can introduce those details (user and password) to automate the Check-in legal compliance within Chekin Solution. The files containing the receipts must be kept by the user for 5 years.