Chekin News

The boom of luxury guests, are you ready for them?

The summer passed and brought very good results for many Spanish destinations, but despite the fact that the summer season ends, not with it, the desire to travel of many tourists. With the opening of new destinations and the good results of the summer, many travelers have decided to extend their vacations. Something curious is happening, and it is that tourists who are booking for the most part do so by choosing more expensive destinations and more expensive stays, which shows that luxury tourism is at the top for the next few months of the year. According to various media and studies carried out by travel agencies, tourists are looking for exotic or more luxurious destinations, taking advantage of the money they were able to save in the pandemic and that allows them to indulge in a few whims. There is talk of a growth in the luxury vacation market of up to 70%; evidently exponential growth, compared to August.

According to the executive director of Atlántida Travel, Pilar Vivet, since September requests and reservations for planned trips have not stopped coming in until the end of the year, especially for family members. The travel budget has also increased and, if in this luxury agency the average was about 5,000 euros per person, now it is 1,000 euros more due to the savings that many people have achieved in the pandemic and that has allowed them to extend their stays.

A new trend that has come strong among customers who can afford it, is the reservation of private planes and boats for mainly short trips, which offer more security, since they allow sharing space only with family or friends.

In terms of tourist accommodation, the demand for villas has gained ground, accommodation with all the services of a hotel, which facilitate the privacy of customers. In the case of hotels, the guest looks for those that offer all inclusive, that offer tour packages outside the accommodation and that have recreational places, such as green areas, spa, parks, etc. You already know what the new trends are, what are you waiting for to adapt to it. Attract luxury tourists and become a favorite destination for the month of October.

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