Chekin News

Top 10 Summer destinations. Is yours among them?

People are ready to travel this summer, looking for new adventures and interest in well-known destinations and new ones is rising along with temperatures, according to the different travel platforms such as TravelgateX, Smartravel and Tripadvisor. 

Summer destinations

According to the B2B platform, reservations have been growing the last few weeks, and people prefer to travel in July, August and September. About destinations, the United States of America continues on top with 34,5% of the global bookings, in second place we can find Spain with 25,6%. This country has been growing their bookings during the last week, right after the spanish government announced the state alert suspension. On the other hand, we can find Portugal  in third place with 8,38% of  global bookings. This country such as Spain has recently announced the opening of its borders to tourists. Then in the last positions we could find Greece, Mexico, Italy and Aruba.

One positive thing about this summer is that people are opting for longer stays to enjoy their summer vacations, for example, in countries such as Spain the average stay reaches 6.05 hotel nights, whereas before the pandemic it was 4.46 days.

The analysis carried out by the platform shows us that now is the correct time for hotels and vacation rentals to make offers and attract guests for longer stays. One way to attract more visitors is offering safe accommodations, with technologies that allows to protect them, nowadays, the contactless technologies are on the top, and most of the hotels and vacation rentals all over the world are opting to buy and apply this tools for their accommodations, the mosts famous and effectives are the Online Chekin and the Self Check in, if you want to know more about it, just click hereOn the other hand, the online guidance platform Tripadvisor shows when and which countries Americans prefer to visit this summer, a 17% jump over spring (March to May) and  67% of Americans have plans to travel from June through august. Most of them plan to travel to beach destinations particularly Florida and Mexico, these are the top of the traveler wish list.