Chekin Host Life

Fresh and Engaging Property Descriptions: Vacation Rental

Your vacation rental property is great—it’s the perfect spot for an unforgettable getaway. However, it’s even more important that your audience sees through the same lens. After all, your business is only as successful as its bookings. 

A fresh, engaging property description for your vacation rental can be a game-changer. Without a compelling description, you’re missing out on a golden opportunity to turn interested lookers into paying guests.

The Problem… 

We all know the struggle. You’ve poured your heart (and a fortune) into creating the perfect vacation rental experience. You know what guests want because you’ve done all that research, made your property’s total addressable market calculation, and daydreamed about happy families splashing in the pool.

Great, but when it comes to translating your slice of heaven into words on a screen, things get, well, a little meh. Travelers swipe past without a second glance, and you have a calendar filled with empty dates. You snag some occasionally, but barely enough to keep the lights on.

Here’s the real problem: everyone’s promising generic amenities and “unforgettable experiences.” Considering how competitive the market is, it’s no wonder your listing gets lost in a pool of similar descriptions.

Why You Need Compelling Property Descriptions

A generic property description is the travel industry equivalent of beige walls and bland furniture. Sure, it’s functional, but that’s not going to excite anyone, is it? 

In fact, a lackluster effort could mean the difference between a booked calendar and an empty one.

Here’s why you need something fresh and more captivating to increase your occupancy rate and, ultimately, your bottom line:

  • Compelling descriptions catch the eye and highlight the differences that set your place apart.
  • Targeted descriptions with vivid details resonate with your ideal guest. As a result, they lead to more qualified inquiries and bookings.
  • A well-crafted description with the right keywords can boost your visibility in search results.
  • An authentic story builds trust with your target audience.
  • It reduces the risk of misunderstandings.

10 Steps for Fresh, Engaging Vacation Rental Property Descriptions

Your vacation rental property description summarizes what matters most about the property. It’s where you get to tell the story of your property while providing all the relevant information your prospects need.

Imagine you’re having a 5-minute conversation with one, and you had all night to prepare. What would you say to convince them to book their dream vacation at your place?

Here are ten practical guidelines for crafting property descriptions that will draw in vacation seekers and get them whipping out their credit cards:

1. Know Your Ideal Guest

The aim is to appeal to your audience, but how do you do that if you don’t know who they are? 

A common vacation rental manager mistake is thinking everyone looking for a place to stay is their audience. Wrong. A broad approach results in descriptions that fail to resonate with any particular group. 

So, consider the renters more likely to be attracted to your property. Who are they? Adventurous couples on a hunt for outdoor activities and breathtaking views? Families with young children? Retirees?

When you know who they are, you can put yourself in their shoes and customize a description that speaks directly to their hearts and travel budgets.

2. Make a Great First Impression With the Title

The headline is the first thing your audience sees. Your ideal audience or not, they’re unlikely to hang around if you don’t grab their attention right off the bat. 

Many vacation rental platforms have 50 to 70-character limits. You want to make them count. That means ditching headlines like “Beach Villa” or “Spacious Condo.”

Instead, throw in unique or specific details and use relevant keywords. Instead of the generic titles above, you can go with:

  • Deluxe family home near Disney with game room
  • Luxury Beachfront Villa with Private Pool & Ocean Views
  • Private Rooftop Terrace with City Skyline Views
  • Cozy getaway at the heart of town
Make a Great First Impression With the Title

3. Highlight Unique Selling Points (USPs) and Amenities

Your unique selling points make your vacation rental special in the eyes of your audience. They set you apart. 

Do you have a stunning ocean view? A private hot tub under the stars? Or maybe it’s a game room that is perfect for families? A chef’s kitchen that would delight any culinary enthusiast? Is your rental located close to a tourist attraction?


Identify whatever makes your property tick and showcase it in the title and description as an incentive for your guests.

Then, you can weave your other assets around them. According to Airbnb, guests watch out for amenities like pools and hot tubs. And remote workers appreciate dedicated workspaces and fast Wi-Fi. The location is also a selling point, so don’t forget to emphasize it.

4. Keep a Consistent Writing Tone

Your listing is the first touchpoint guests have with your brand and rental. Many guests will try to use the description to understand who you are and what kind of experience they can expect. A consistent tone will help to build trust before they get there.

Besides, authenticity resonates with readers. It’s why you have to write as if you’re speaking to your guests—using a natural and genuine tone.

Whatever tone you take (friendly, casual, or professional), maintain it throughout the description. And note: professional doesn’t mean formal. It’s a common misconception. Reading the product description out loud when you’re done is a good trick to make sure it flows smoothly.

5. Use Vivid Descriptions and Compelling Language

Should your guests expect a “nice view” or a “breathtaking panorama of the rolling hills”? Does your property have a “comfortable bed” or a “luxurious king-size bed with plush pillows”? Do you catch the drift? 

Descriptive language amplifies your vacation rental’s features and amenities. Brainstorm strong verbs (discover, enjoy, fall asleep, etc.) and adjectives (scenic, breathtaking, modern, etc.) that can effectively capture what you’re offering. Ditch bland, overused words like “nice.” 

That said, don’t oversell because having disappointed guests will come back to haunt you in the form of negative reviews. 

6. Tell a Story, Don’t Just List Specs

Storytelling is such a powerful tool. Many vacation rental property descriptions read like a boring spec list: “3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fully equipped kitchen, Wi-Fi.” Yawn.

We’ve already discussed mentioning your unique selling points and amenities. What you don’t want to do is simply list them. Instead, you can paint a picture to illustrate how they benefit guests. A compelling story captures the imagination and pulls at emotions. It will also reawaken memories.

Don’t: Our secluded cabin offers a fireplace and a hot tub for a relaxing getaway.

Here’s an idea instead: Escape the hustle and bustle and reconnect with nature at our cozy cabin nestled amidst towering pines. Curl up by the crackling fireplace with a good book or unwind in the steaming hot tub under a blanket of stars.

7. You Need High-Quality Photos

Words can only do so much, especially as attention spans are incredibly low these days. That’s why you need images—high-quality ones. They immediately grab attention and give detailed insights text may struggle to capture.

What to do?

  • Maximize natural light whenever possible to show the property’s ambiance
  • Highlight your vacation rental’s best and unique features
  • Declutter countertops and straighten furniture for an inviting atmosphere
  • Capture wide shots of each room, as well as close-ups of unique features 
  • Make sure all photos are clear and well-focused

8. Optimize for Search Engines

Top lead generation companies use techniques like keyword research and content optimization. Why? Because they work. Appearing higher in search results means more visibility and traffic to your vacation rental listing. Plus, it’s a great way to target the right audience.

Research relevant keywords guests may be searching for when they’re looking for properties in your area. Sprinkle them naturally throughout the description. 

Say this is a common search on Google that fits your rental: “Beachfront penthouse rental in Malibu, CA.” 

Title aside, your SEO-optimized listing description could go: “Discover our charming beachfront penthouse in Malibu, CA., with stunning ocean views and direct beach access.”

Just make sure you don’t stuff keywords.

9. Keep Your Descriptions Snappy

An average guest will scan through dozens of property descriptions before deciding on a vacation rental. If you’re presenting a lengthy description or a wall of text, they’re more likely to move on to the next listing than wade through that. 

Use short, engaging sentences that are easy to digest. Three or four of those are enough to form a paragraph. The sweet spot is anything between 700 and 1000 characters.

10. Regularly Update Your Product Description 

Your vacation rental now has an ocean deck or jacuzzi. Why haven’t you updated it on your property description? Did a brand new theme park open just five minutes away? Don’t wait, or else you’re potentially leaving money on the table.

Regular updates ensure that your description accurately reflects any changes that could make your rental more appealing to guests. But more than that, add new photos, pricing, availability, and other relevant information when necessary. Make sure you stay on top of this, especially if you’re handling multiple vacation rental listings.

Bonus Tips

  • Use social proof to make your property description more convincing.
  • Be transparent about any rules.
  • Proofread for typos, grammatical errors, missing words, and repetition.
  • Add a call-to-action (CTA).


The property description is an art, and mastering it will help elevate your vacation rental business. An engaging property description entices new guests and sets the stage for memorable experiences.

Remember, every word matters. You want to use descriptive language, highlight unique selling points, keep the tone inviting and personable, and tell stories that resonate with your ideal guests. Craft it well, and your vacation rental will stand out in a sea of listings.