

If you manage a touristic accommodation (Vacation rental, rural house, a camping site, a hostel or hotel) according to the Organic Law of Protection of Public Safety of March 30, 2015, you must register the entry of your guests.

The Organic Law for the Protection of Citizen Security of March 30, 2015 regulates this activity and demands a series of indispensable requirements in order to comply with the law. It is mandatory to register all those travellers over 14 years of age. This will be done by completing a form known as traveller’s part (parte de Entrada) which must adhere to the model established in the Annex to Order INT/1922/2003. The data collected in these parts must also be transmitted to the police in less than 24 hours after Check-in.

Who do I have send the data to?

There are 4 main security forces. Ask the nearest security forces in your city which is the authorities that regulates your area. It can be Policia Nacional, Guardia Civil, Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalunya) or Ertzaintza (Vasque Country).

The process is very simple, the registration in the webpol can only be done in person. The owner or manager of the touristic accommodation must identify himself/herself by providing the following original documents together with a photocopy of them:

  • Identity card of the person who will carry out the procedure or, if applicable, an authorization of representation.
  • Declaration of responsibility for the activity (presented at Tourism)
  • The deeds, simple notes or, if applicable, the management contract of the property.

If everything is correct, once these documents have been provided, the security forces will proceed to register in the police application and assign a user name and password. Then, you can introduce those details (user and password) to automate the Check-in legal compliance within Chekin Solution.