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Important terms to know when renting a tourist accommodation in Spain

In this post we provide you a list of useful terms that you need to know before starting the management of your tourist accommodation in Spain (hotels, apartments, camping, rural houses…).

Tourist accommodation in Spain- Definitions

  • Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (AEAT)The Spanish Tax Agency
  • Cuerpo Nacional de Policía (CNP/Policía)- National police operating mainly in urban areas
  • Declaración responsable de la actividad- Accomodation registration statement of responsibility
  • DNI- Spanish citizens’ ID
  • Ertzaintza- National Police in the Basque Country
  • Foruzaingoa/ Policia Foral- National Police in Navarre
  • Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad- Law enforcement
  • Guardia Civil- Police investigating mainly in the rural areas
  • Hoja de registro/ libro-registro- Tourist registration book that consists of all the filled and signed registration sheets (you can find how to proceed with this process here)
    *Must be stored for a period of 3 years, starting from the day of issuance of the last registration form that comprises it.
  • La Hospedería (Accomodation)- A name of the web page used to log in and proceed with the “parte de viajeros” registration.
  • Junta de Andalucía- Governing body of Andalusia which consists of the Andalusian Parliament, the President of Andalusia, and the Government of Andalusia
  • La Ley de Protección de la Seguridad CiudadanaThe Spanish Citizen’s security law
  • Mossos d’Esquadra- National Police in Catalunya
  • NIE- Foreigner’s all-purpose identification and tax number in Spain
  • Nota Simple- The deed in lieu document (Spanish Land Registry Certificate)
  • Parte de viajeros- Tourist registration process including transmitting the guest data to the police (you can find how to proceed with this process here)
  • Policia Municipal- Local Police
  • Webpol- Police platform for the holiday home registration (you can find how to proceed with this process here)

What is the difference between La Guardia Civil and Policía?

La Guardia Civil patrols rural areas (including highways and ports) and investigates crimes there, whilst the Policía Nacional deals with safety in urban situations.

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