ES 24833

We are leaders in the automation of legal processes

We improve your reputation and avoid fines by ensuring that you comply with current legislation in 131 countries.

We comply with all the legal requirements in one click

  • We automatically send guests registration slips to the authorities
  • We allow you to personalize your contracts with guests who will digitally sign during online check-in
  • All documents will be stored and at your disposal for the time required by law.
  • We calculate the tourist taxes of each country in which they apply and the guest pays it at the online check-in
  • We generate statistical reports and send them automatically to the competent authorities

Save time and headaches

Automatic sending of guests registration slips to the authorities

The creation and manual sending of guests registration slips one by one to the authorities is a headache, a lot of energy consumed in the process and can cause legal troubles.

By automating the process, you don’t have to worry about anything because our software will do it for you. It works as follows:

Once your guests have completed the online check-in, we generate the guests registration slips and automatically send them to the competent authorities within 24 hours of the check-in date, as required by law.

Save time, paper and concerns

Personalized rental agreements and digital signature

Say goodbye to paper, you will have all your documents in digital format in one place. You can customize the lease for each property and add as many clauses as you want. During online check-in, your guests will be able to digitally sign the contract, which will be saved in your dashboard in the “Documents” section

Save work, paper and physical space

Digital guestbook and storage

In many countries, you are required by law to store guestbooks for your properties. Until now, this was done physically and manually, which takes more work, time, paper and space. Our tool generates all the documentation automatically (thanks to an online registration) and we save it in the cloud for as long as you need it.

Leave the complicated calculations to us

Automatic calculation of tourist taxes

Calculating the tourist taxes of each guest is an important problem for the owners, since they depend on multiple factors such as the country, the region, the type of accommodation, the age of the guests, etc …

We automatically calculate these taxes considering each variable per guest, who can then pay during the online check-in process.

Save time, work and energy

Automatic creation and sending of statistical reports

As with the atomatic sending of guests registration slips to authorities, in certain countries the law requires statistical reports from your accommodation.

We generate these reports, connect to your statistics account and send these reports automatically, so you don’t have to worry about anything. Ask us if we cover your region!



Which countries are covered by Chekin?

In many countries, it is mandatory to register your guests, send their personal information to the authorities or store documentation for a certain period of time. Chekin has digitized the bureaucracy in most of the countries that require it. If your property is located in one of these countries, Chekin will help you to be fully legally compliant. These countries are: Spain, Italy, Portugal, Dubai, Netherlands, Austria, France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Colombia, Romania, Thailand, Greece, Switzerland (Zurich only), Germany, Croatia. If your country is not listed here and you need to comply with legal aspects, please contact us at

What documentation does Chekin generate?

For the countries listed above, CheKin generates the travelers’ reports and all the official legal documentation required by the local authorities. CheKin creates the registration form for each registered guest and sends the data to the Police and the Institute of Statistics, while allowing you to store all generated documents online for the time required by law. Our software also allows you to create a short rental contract where you can add the necessary clauses at your convenience.

Still have questions?

If you want, you can automate your check-ins right now